Statesmen Contractors LLC

Baltimore MD, Washington DC and Alexandria VA Wholesale Broker, Flooring, Carpet & Tile and Logistics Consultant Services

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Statesmen Contractors LLC Alexandria VA Flooring Installation Systems

Statesmen Contractors LLC Flooring Systems


Everyone loves the classic look of a luxurious hardwood floor, but many people feel like the cost of installing a new floor is too high. Statesmen Contractors LLC is here to tell you that if you own a home in Alexandria VA, that is not necessarily true. We offer a wide variety of hardwood floors for nearly any budget. There is no good reason to avoid installing hardwood floors, because they have a wide variety of both practical and aesthetic benefits.
Alexandria VA Hardwood Flooring Installation
Alexandria VA Laminate Flooring Installation


Are you considering installing new flooring in your home or business, but are unsure about which type of flooring would be best for you? Do you want flooring that will stand up to daily wear and tear without breaking the bank? Perhaps you should consider laminate flooring. Statesmen Contractors LLC has been installing laminate flooring in homes and businesses all across Alexandria VA for many years, and we have found that it is a substance that has many advantages over other types of floors.


When you think of vinyl, you may think of ugly, old-fashioned, cheap looking floors you have seen in older houses, but this is no longer an accurate impression. Thanks to a number of advances over the years, vinyl flooring has become an aesthetically pleasing and economical choice for savvy Alexandria VA home and business owners.
Alexandria VA Vinyl Flooring Installation
Alexandria VA Stone Flooring Installation


Cork is an increasingly trendy material for flooring in Alexandria VA homes. If you are seeking a soft, cushiony, warm flooring that is easier to clean than carpet, cork may be the best choice for you. Cork flooring is a natural, renewable resource. It is harvested from the bark of cork oak trees. The bark of these trees can be removed without harming the tree, and it grows back within nine years, when it can be harvested again. With the decline in global use of cork, purchasing cork flooring also helps preserve cork forests which have been in decline since plastic corks in wine bottles started becoming more common. With your purchase, you are helping to ensure the continued biodiversity of Mediterranean cork forests.
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